YeenPunk Clothing
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Clothing Set made for the Novabeast, converted for the Hyenid avatar.
This clothing uses VRC Fury as main install, however it includes a none VRC Fury version to use.
Includes Substance Painter files
This clothing is inspired by cyberpunk and contains references to it.
The jacket has holograms and a gif that you can change to whatever image you want, ensuring that you stand out from the crowd.
The Jacket has dynamics on the sides so it looks more natural, works with the boobs too!
2 sets of emissions are included for the suit.
This includes:
Suit, pants, cybernetic glasses.
Boots and boot necklace.
As well as a jacket.
Suit: 4,980 Polygons
Jacket: 14,529 Polygons
Pants: 17,136 Polygons
Shoes: 10,352 Polygons
Cyber glasses: 2,012 Polygons
Clothing contains all the necessary blendshapes:
Has a well-organized menu:
Poiyomi Toon shader version 8.0 or newer (can be changed for any shader but it is premade with Poi)
Poiyomi DownloadVRC Fury (needs to be installed first)
Discord name (.metalgod)
- By purchasing this product you agree to NOT share the files with anyone who has not also purchased the product.
You are allowed to make public avatars with the asset, but not directly share the files. - I am not responsible for you breaking your avatar if you import the asset wrong, it is advised you take a backup of your avatar before attempting to install it.
- This asset is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. you cannot use it commercially.
Entire Unity work: Liindy
Dragon art in the right part of the pants: AlienChompers
AlienChomper's Twitter
Hologram credit to Nebula
Suit, Pants, Shoes, Cyber glasses, Holograms, VRC fury compatible. Includes Substance Painter files.